Software & Mobile App

Develop Your Ideas into Reality with a Leading Mobile App Development Company

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What our clients have to say about us

We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations.
Here is what some of them have to say about us:


We run all kinds of IT services that vow your success

Our Team

Our experience experts

Shashi Mishra


Deep Chaturvedi

Process Manager

Mohd Azeem

Business Manager

Ramanika Singh

Creative Manager

Choose Your Preferred Hiring Model

Select a hiring model that is most convenient for your business and let’s start with your custom application development.

Hire our expert developers based on an hourly basis. You can extend the decided period to a suitable number of hours as per the progress and requirement of your project. Stay in the loop with our developers with the help of time tracking software and real-time reports.

  • Cost Control: Pay only for the hours worked, optimizing expenses.
  • Flexibility: Easily scale up or down based on project needs.
  • Resource Efficiency: Efficient allocation of resources as per project requirements.
  • Adaptability: Quick response to changes or updates during development.
  • Focus on Results: Emphasizes output and achievement of project milestones.
  • Risk Mitigation: Lower financial commitment compared to fixed-term contracts.
  • Transparency: Clear tracking of hours worked for accountability.
  • Short-Term Commitment: Ideal for short-term or evolving projects.
  • No Long-Term Obligations: Limited commitment, easy to conclude the engagement when needed.

Before we start with the application development process, we can mutually agree upon a fixed budget based on the workforce and resources and the estimated time it will take for completion. We will also outline the key milestones of the project.

  • Fixed Price Model: We can assess the project and provide a firm quote once the deliverables, scope, acceptance criteria, and specifications are all well-defined. Small- to medium-sized projects with well-documented specs are best suited for this.
  • Time & Material Model: Easily scale up or down based on project needs.
  • Resource Efficiency: Ideal for projects with complex business requirements or ill-defined, changeable scope requirements that make cost estimation impossible. Therefore, developers can be hired per their time.

Why Hire Dedicated Developers From IPH Technologies?

Hire only for the services your business requires. We can assemble a team of proficient developers or assign a particular individual with a specific skill set to augment your existing team. Real-time communication and coordination will help us deliver exactly what you need.
It is an experienced, self-sufficient team made up of several positions (such as project manager, software engineer, QA engineer, and others) that can provide technological solutions quickly and effectively. Each unique project has specified duties, and a Scrum Master works in tandem with the client's product owner to oversee the project.

  • Agile processes
  • Transparent pricing
  • Monthly billing
  • Maximum flexibility
  • Suitable for startups, MVPs and software
  • product companies
Ready to discuss?
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Frequently asked questions

Consider a mobile app if your business wants to provide a more convenient and personalized experience to customers, streamline internal processes, or leverage mobile-specific features such as location-based services. A mobile app can be particularly beneficial if your target audience uses smartphones extensively.

Mobile app development is the process of creating software applications for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Having a mobile app for your business can enhance customer engagement, improve brand visibility, and increase sales by reaching a wider audience on their preferred devices.

Our mobile app development services stand out due to our team of skilled developers who have expertise in various platforms like iOS and Android. We prioritize user experience, ensuring the apps we create are intuitive and visually appealing. We also offer post-launch support, ensuring your app stays up-to-date and functions smoothly.

The timeline for mobile app development varies based on the complexity of the project, desired features, and the platform(s) you choose (iOS, Android, or both). Typically, a simple app might take a few weeks, whereas more complex apps can take several months. We provide a detailed project timeline after assessing your specific requirements.

Yes, we offer comprehensive app maintenance and support services. After the initial development, we provide regular updates to ensure your app remains compatible with the latest operating systems and devices. We also offer technical support to address any issues or enhancements you may need in the future.

The cost of mobile app development depends on factors such as features, complexity, design, and platform(s). We provide transparent pricing with no hidden fees. Our team will work closely with you to understand your requirements and provide a detailed quote outlining all the associated costs. We believe in clear communication and transparency throughout the development process.

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